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Dear Abby

Grandmother showers only one child with affection

DEAR ABBY: I’m a single mother of two children, an 8-year-old daughter and a 9-year-old son. My daughter’s father is involved; my son’s father is not. I was diagnosed with pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) when my daughter was born and given two weeks to live. My condition has markedly improved, and I am on the best treatment there is for it. To safeguard my son in case something happens to me, my parents and I did a third-parent adoption. With this new law, I was able to add my parents to my son’s birth certificate without giving up my parental rights, and I remain the sole custodial parent. He stays with my parents three evenings a week.

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De Zavala Elementary celebrated the start of the Hispanic Heritage Month by dressing in traditional Hispanic outfits on Monday. Sept. 16 is recognized as Mexico's Independence Day, which marks the day that New Spain declared independence from Old Spain in 1810. After 11 years of war, New Spain became Mexico in 1821. At the time, Texas was a part of Mexico. San Marcos CISD honors National Hispanic Heritage Month September 15 to October 15.
Photos courtesy of SMCISD.

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Partial Lunar Eclipse

The full moon on the night of Sept. 17 was busy to say the least. According to NASA, the full moon represented a Partial Lunar Eclipse; a SuperMoon; the Corn Moon; the Harvest Moon; the Fruit or Barley Moon; the end of Ganesh Chaturthi and the start of Pitru Paksha; Madhu Purnima; the Mid-Autumn, Mooncake, or Reunion Festival Moon; Chuseok; and Imomeigetsu or the Potato Harvest Moon. The Partial Lunar Eclipse peaked about 9:44 p.m. with 8% of the moon in full shadow. Daily Record photo by Gerald Castillo

PEC accepting applications for community grants

As of Monday, the Pedernales Electric Cooperative began accepting applications for community grants. The Cooperative encourages nonprofits across PEC’s service area to apply for grants up to $5,000 through Oct. 18. The grants help nonprofits fund projects that help improve communities. Nonprofits that receive these funds can use them to support projects related to technology, capital improvements and energy efficiency.


San Marcos Record

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