The sixth annual Capital of Texas Fest took place Saturday. A day full of mermaids began with the Mermaid Promenade — a parade traversing the streets of downtown San Marcos. Daily Record photos by Nick Castillo & Gerald Castillo.
The sixth annual Capital of Texas Fest took place Saturday. A day full of mermaids began with the Mermaid Promenade — a parade traversing the streets of downtown San Marcos. Daily Record photos by Nick Castillo & Gerald Castillo.
The 2022-23 school year began at San Marcos Consolidated ISD school on Monday. Readers shared their back-to-school photos on the Daily Record’s Facebook page. Submitted photos
The 59th annual Texas Water Safari cast off from San Marcos on Saturday. More than 150 teams began the competition known as “The World’s Toughest Canoe Race” at the Meadows Center for the 260-mile trek to the finish line in Seadrift. Daily Record photos by Lance Winter and Gerald Castillo
The Rotary Club of San Marcos celebrated its 100th anniversary Friday night at the Embassy Suites Ballroom. The night marked "A Celebration of Service." San Marcos Mayor Jane Hughson read a proclamation honoring the Rotary Club's cenntenial anniversary. Rotary District Governor Kristy Vandenberg shared remarks regarding the club's anniversary as well as Rotary's efforts around Texas and the world. Rotary Club of San Marcos President Bruce Smith spoke to a crowd of over 100 attendees. Rotary member Seth Worley gave a historical snapshop of the club's 100 years in San Marcos, sharing a video created for the event. Rotary Club member Peter Baen served as a master of ceremonies during the event. Daily Record photos by Lance Winter
The San Marcos community came out in full force Saturday morning for the 5th annual Mermaid Promenade and Downtown Street Faire. A breakfast and ceremony for the Royal Court was held at Blue Dahlia Bistro. From left to right, Joshua Sarkardehi, David Peterson, Rose Brooks, Alison Tudor, Ron Coley and Rene Perez. Daily Record photos by Colton Ashabranner and Gerald Castillo
San Marcos Consolidated ISD students and teachers returned to the classroom Monday for the first day of the 2021-22 school year.
For all of this year's submitted back-to-school photos, go to the Daily Record Facebook page.
San Marcans celebrated a rare snow day on Sunday after a winter storm blew through the area. Approximately one inch of snow fell in San Marcos, according to the National Weather Service. The NWS stated that this was the first snowfall since December 2017. With Sunday's snowy weather, Daily Record readers sent in their photos from the day.
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) San Marcos Aquatic Resources Center team caught a close look at some Texas blind salamanders during a sampling trip at Purgatory Creek Natural Area in San Marcos on Nov. 10. USFWS biologists are conducting research on ten species that live in the Edwards Aquifer, including the Texas Blind Salamander. Clockwise from top left, Texas blind salamanders recently caught in a well in San Marcos, USFWS biological science technician Kelsey Anderson and supervisory fish biologist Lindsay Campbell check for reproductive organs in a Texas Blind salamander that was recently caught. USFWS photos by Aubry Buzek
San Marcos CISD's Bonham PreKindergarten held a drive-thru trick or treat event Thursday, where students were able to celebrate Halloween safely. Teachers, staff and students showed up in their best Halloween costumes to take part in the fun. Photos courtesy of San Marcos Consolidated ISD
The San Marcos community, including San Marcos Consolidated ISD students and staff, and the San Marcos police and fire departments, rallied around Tyler Murken on Sunday with a parade. Murken, a middle school student, is battling Joubert Syndrome — a rare brain malformation. To donate to his gofundme visit
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